Thursday, May 08, 2008

A house I pass every morning No. 8

Where is the beautiful tree?? The beautiful tree that grew in your garden?? The beautiful tree that grew in my thoughts?? You never thought of my thoughts?? Here, I'll show you them. Here on your fresh-painted door. See them now??

You think you can cut down my thoughts?? You think you can white wash over them?? My thoughts will grow back. My thoughts will carry on growing. See the heavy question marks that sprout from them?? When they are ripe, they'll drop down and grow into new questions. And more of them. So do not try to stop them. It's the harvest you reap.

There are many questions that will grow and here are some. Like what is beauty?? Like what part of mine is your garden?? Like what part of yours is my thought?? Like do you understand your responsibility to protect more than things? Your responsibility to protect thought?? To protect beauty?? And do you understand that if you do not I will plant more questions?? Questions heavy with questions?? Questions that are moreover not necessarily just??

Where is the beautiful tree?? The beautiful tree that grew in your garden?? The beautiful tree that grew in my thoughts??


Denise said...

I think your beautiful piece on trees has to do with your father's illness. Trees are about strength and hope. About life. Denise

Jonathan Wonham said...

Thank you Denise. Perhaps. I wrote these two pieces on the same evening.