Wednesday, March 04, 2009

J'ai Disparu

I just looked at my Connaissances blog and found it had disappeared. Not the blog itself, just the content. Is that what happens if you don't post for two months? When I did a test post, the content came back. So what will happen to all this writing? Will it stay here in the ether for ever? Or will Google silently ingest it one day? Does anyone have any theories?


Anonymous said...

It's been so long since I've used Blogger, I can bbarely remember hos it works - and things have probably changed, anyway. But could this be a matter of your home page settings? Is it set so it will display only posts that are less than two months old, for example?

May said...

Just in case, it would be better to make a backup. My two blogs are stored on my computer and on an external hard disk. One never knows...